On Monday morning, I saw this guy right in the street where I was living. High fashion dress, white socks… interesting. He was busy talking on the phone so I looked for a background first. Then I asked him if I could take a picture for my street style blog and he was very kind and said yes. He was waiting for his taxi to come and seemed to be in quite a hurry, but it was enough time to take some shots.
I wanted to know if he was working at the fashion week. „Kind of“, he replied. After having taken the pictures, I asked him to fill out a form with his name and contact data as I always do. When he signed it I just said: „Oh my god, it´s you“ – Marc Jacobs gave me the sheet and got into his taxi. What a nice person. And what a great beginning of my Paris fashion week adventure.
76 Kommentare
Kommentierenwow! der erste mann, der in einem kleid tatsächlich gut aussieht. kompliment 11111
great story
and white socks rule!
hehe, super story!
super cool story!
hahah wie geil dann musstest du ja in einer noblen gegend abgestiegen sein!
[…] to know if he was working at the fashion week. “Kind of”, he replied. — styleclicker – The Guy With White Socks October 2nd, 2008 / 0 Comments / […]
he looks like a modern scotsman!!!
„kind of “ ^^ hammer geil
wow. nice shot 🙂
Probably refreshing for him to not be instantly recognized. You noticed him for his style, so thats awesome. Men in skirts = so sexy.
haha, what a funny story! i love how you just caught him for his style and not his persona.
Oh!My!God! You are so lucky! 😀
[…] Die logische Konsequenz: zwei eigene Labels. Umso amüsanter ist die Story von Gunnar, dem Styleclicker, der sonst in München Fahsionistas auf der Strasse ablichtet. Im Trubel der Paris Fashion Week […]
nicht etwas peinlich das ganze? 😀
ahahahah! What a hilarious response, „kind of!“ That’s a great shot of Marc
wow! that is awesome. what a great story! wasn’t so sure about the skirt, but now that i know it’s marc… it totally makes sense 🙂
Hi Gunnar
We have met in Paris
I am Fred of Easy Fashion Paris. I have your portrait. I will post it later, because at this time too much pictures of the Fashion week.
I put a special link on Styleclicker as „Blog of the Month“
Because Your work is very good.
Your story with Marc Jacobs is incredible. Like the reality is !
Hope you had a nice stay in Paris.
Fred the Mole
best story EVER!
total sympathisch, dass du nicht wusstest, wen du vor dir hast.
love that you didn’t recognize.
very cute.
What a story!
Envy you!!
Great story indeed.
Cool guy. Have you contacted him allready?
its a shame for a fashion blogger .
funny story anyways.
i can recommend an arte doku about him, about his „secret“ work at LV.
That’s just embarassing.
Habe zufällig nochmal seit langer Zeit auf deiner Seite vorbeigeschaut und da les‘ ich so was tolles!
Echt cool, was dir da passiert ist und wie souverän du damit umgegegangen bist; Respekt!
nice story…
also doch ganz normale menschen wenn sie alleine sind 😉
boah, jetzt tut mal nicht so, als ob marc jacobs ein gott ist, den man erkennen MUSS, wenn man nicht durch strick/e-stuhl/hölle sterben will. mann, es gibt echt noch wichtigere leute als ihn. wenn styleclicker george w. bush oder angela merkel nicht erkennen würde, würde ich mir gedanken machen. aber der typ hier ist ein designer – mehr nicht.
wenn du nicht die Fotos hättest, würde ich die Story nicht glauben, weil es einfach zu irre ist um wahr zu sein. Super! 😀 love it.
Was für eine geniale Geschichte und wirklich freundlich von ihm, dass er so ohne weiters ja zum Foto gesagt hat. Ich frage mich gerade ob es ihm sonst häufig passiert, dass ihn jemand wirklich interessiert und höflich um ein Foto bittet. Wohl eher nicht…
how come that someone who writes about fashion and style doesn’t know how marc jacobs looks like!?
[…] PS: Passt jetzt nicht so ganz dazu, aber Gunnar hat Marc Jacobs getroffen! Mehr über das Treffen hier. […]
Ich weiss ja ned, aber ich finds n bißchen albern, sich darüber lustig zu machen oder es befremdlich zu finden, dass man nicht weiss wie Marc Jacobs aussieht. Das ist doch ein Streetstyle Blog, oder?! Hier geht es doch um das ungewöhnliche, um Menschen die ihren eigenen Style haben, sich über Konventionen hinwegsetzen und trotzdem oder gerade deswegen gut angezogen sind. Sich irgendwelche Designerklamotten anziehen kann jeder. Wieso sollte es somit für einen Streetstyle-Blogger überhaupt von Interesse sein, wie irgendein Designer aussieht?! Ich finds viel erstaunlicher, dass er ihn überhaupt kennt. Ich fänd es ziemlich traurig, wenn es in so einem schönen Blog, der sich um Kreativität dreht, plötzlich um solche „Werte“ gehen würde…
ich finds auch erstaunlich, dass der gute Gunnar Marc Jacobs nicht kennt..
trotzdem lustige geschichte!
du bist der beste Gunnar!
he looks niiice)
oh mein gott! Was für ein Zufall, dass du gerade an deinem ersten tag in paris marc jacobs höchstpersönlich triffst!:)
that’s simply amazing.
or its that guy that poses at him on myspace haha
nice legs.
i want his birkin!
„how come that someone who writes about fashion and style doesn’t know how marc jacobs looks like!?“
I agree, you fail.
you are luccccky.
we should crown him king of the world.
[…] imagen que podemos ver de Marc Jacobs en París es gracias a un bloguero despistado y que busca el mismo efecto del clásico The Sartorialist, pero el primero, al ver a este apuesto […]
Your story rocks! Marc does too ü
I can not believe you didnt know this was Marc Jacobs.
I can’t belive it but -yes- the same would happen to me (i mean, i find a man, ask for a photo, he say yes, then i think „oh, this guy looks exactly like Marc Jacobs“). Great history, great shot!
You are so lucky! id started to scream hysterically if i would have meet Marc Jacobs!:D
he needs to wax his legs if he wants to wear that. :O
[…] he gorge, inside and out? Read more about it at StyleClicker. Only Marc can look good in a skirt and an Hermès […]
i can’t believe its him, i would be way to nervous to say anything.
Fue un día de suerte, quisiera haber visto tu cara de sorpresa,… 😉
Oh my god, how cute!
OMG…I could you NOT realize it’s the only and only MARC JACOBS? The Ralph Lauren [times ten] of our generation? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE…well only closet wise – and by the way you are SO LUCKY! I would have probably gotten star struck…and tried to stroke his Birkin…never mind the white socks..lol
Sorry, but If u are in to fashion world how you didn’t recognize Marc Jacobs. You need to learn more, specially you.
[…] desconocido con falda que fotografió un bloguero en la Semana de la Moda de París no era otro que Marc Jacobs, diseñador de Vuitton y de su propia […]
What a great story! Thank god you always carry a camera, eh?
What a fabulous story! What a cool experience! How fun to be able to meet Marc Jacobs.
And you didn’t know how Jacobs looked?????
Ha, that’s pretty funny. Great shot.
Mark Jacobs is a fashion icon, you are covering fashion week and you don’t even know who the players are?
I’M OFFICIALLY JELOUS OF YOU. u’re so lucky! 😀
sehr symptahisch, dass er nicht erkannt wurde. meiner meinung nach ein pluspunkt für diese seite. schließlich gehts hier nicht um designer, sondern um normale menschen, die ihren stil ausleben. und genau das ist m.j. letztendlich ja auch „nur“.
How come you have a site about fashion and don’t have a clue on Marc Jacobs but I must admit you are kinda lucky and he is looking good.
Love the story, the picture and Marc Jacobs!He looks gorgeous with the skirt and the birkin is a much better choice than his own lv bags.
WOW, u’re so lucky !!!
too cool to be true :-)!!! great story! marc jacobs rocks!!!
How can you have a fashion blog and not know who Marc Jacobs is?? Even my father at 63 who knows nothing knows who Marc Jacobs is. If I were you I would be a little imbarressed. Cool picture though.
[…] such as one post from Munich where the guy doesn’t even know he is taking a photo of Marc Jacobs! (He is wearing a kilt so there’s your first clue. The other is IT’S MARC JACOBS. […]
Man, when I saw his picture, I was like MARC JACOBS! His style is definitely unique but I couldn’t believe you didn’t know who he was.
Great story anyway.
How could you not know it was Marc ! That guy might be the only one man in this world wearing skirt ..
[…] […]
Amazing style, very much.
To whom that it is pleasant
The good dress)
White socks – its cool)