Black Eye Jack – Munich, Hans-Sachs-Straße


Daniel, Shop Manager

Daniel, also called Jack, was in N.Y.C. recently celebrating his birthday. He was out in Brooklyn together with some friends when suddenly from out of nowhere a gigantic fist struck his face. The result can be seen on the picture.

He bought the T-shirt in N.Y. as well as the jeans from Mar CoOperative, Swear shoes from Spielbar Tragbar.

15 Kommentare


i just want to apologize for my bad habit,
didnt get out of bed yesterday, was to busy on sunday!
sorry jack, doesnt mean any harm
see ya in bonn hopefully
and yesyesyes, u look like a young swedish radish

Ich bin an diesen Schuhen ebenfalls sehr interessiert. Kennt niemand einen online shop, der dieses model anbietet? Der oben genannte führt das model nicht. Würde mich auf antworten freuen!!

also heißer tip für die schuhe… in der carnaby street in london gibts nen laden der nur swearschuhe verkauft und zwar auch immer ne ganze menge auslaufmodelle ab 40 Pfund… wer zufällig da ist, einfach mal reinschauen…

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