Flying Shoes – Madrid, Malasaña



I don´t have a clue what that is all about… does anybody know?

38 Kommentare


Yeah people do this in Ireland to advertise the fact that they sell drugs…though it’s a bit odd to have the stilletto boots there. Usually it’s am old pair of Nike Air runners…hm, L. O. L. I guess it shall remain a mysetery

I live there! LOL! there is no mystery! It’s because of the Tim Burton’s film Big Fish. Malasaña is a very indie-style neightborhood, so people do this kind of things, isn´t it lovely? everybody who leaves the street hangs a pair of shoes on the wire, just to be remembered.
Greetings from Madrid!

I’ve seen Big Fish, but even before that in America it’s pretty common for kids to do – bullies beat up kids and steal their shoes and throw them up over the power lines. You can see kids tennis shoes everywhere around here.

I doubt that’s the case with the stiletto boots though 🙂

The pictures are lovely.

I recently read about this in a magazine and the many popular urban myths are:

-the drug dealer
-the bucks‘ do
-the loss of virginity
-the jilted wife/girlfriend
-the gang turf marker
-the disposal method
-the memorial
-the art installation (Y)

Hola, nose como llegue hasta aca pero me llama muchisimo la atencion la foto, no se donde es tomada la foto ni nada.. pero aca en argentina las zapatillas colgadas representan que hay un vendedor de drogas cerca!
besos !

there´s a common expression un mexico that can be traduced to „hung up your sneakers“ which means you died. and in some poor areas in mexico when a member of the gang dies all of the members of the gang thow their sneakers to the phone or light cables in memoriam to his partner.

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